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HannahTheScribe is a 24/7 high protocol service slave/homemaker and lifestyle masochist in an irrevocable consent dynamic. She's also a Leathergirl, the author of several books and projects, a kink educator, and a local group facilitator. She lives in Las Vegas with her Mistress/wife and their two cats.


Who might you be for anyone who’s unfamiliar?

I'm Hannah (she/her), known as HannahTheScribe across the Internet. I'm a 24/7 high protocol service slave/homemaker and lifestyle masochist in an irrevocable consent dynamic of almost seven years. I'm the author of several books, including compilations of my blog Service Slave Secrets. I'm also a Leathergirl, a kink educator of almost four years (focusing on service and protocol), and a local group facilitator—TNG in the kink community, and a writing group in the vanilla world. I'm a twenty-six year old Las Vegas native, where I've stayed with my lovely Mistress/wife and our two adorable cats.

What aspect of service do you find most appealing?

I enjoy being useful and pleasing, and I find my dynamic refreshing in that it offers explicit instructions on how to do that, and my desire to serve is never "too much" and always able to safely flourish.

Are you currently learning any new skills related to your service?

Always! Right now, my big project is (still) going to butler school online. Within the last year or so, I've also taken courses on skills ranging from tarot reading to sketchnoting to psychedelic tripsitting, and all of them have come in handy.

Do you have any webpages, accounts, YouTubers etc that you’d recommend someone new to the community should check out?

Yes! I maintain my full list of recommended resources here.


Panel Discussion: Leadership and Service to Our Communities

Join panel facilitator MalikaSG and our distinguished panelists for a discussion on leadership and service to our communities.

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