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lilheaven is a service submissive and Leathergirl, Solo Poly, and US Army Veteran. She believes in practicing healthy habits around consent, leadership, and education. Regarding service, she loves to elevate a mundane task and transform it into an art. Interests include Renfaires, Cigars, creating Safer Spaces, and Outlaw Sex. Currently living near Charlotte NC, she began in Austin TX 20 years prior at Voyagers, TNG: The Next Generation and GWNN: the Group With No Name. Graduate (2018), Admin and Mentor of AsMP: Austin submissive Mentors Program and former Security Coordinator and Events Council for SAADE: the School for Austin Area D/s Education. She is a patched member of Leather Heart Clan Austin and founder of LHC Charlotte. Recently, Volunteer of the Year 2023 for CAPEX: the Charlotte Area Power Exchange. Currently Founder and co-Council of QCK: Queen City Kinksters; also Founder and co-host of the Charlotte Cigar Social.


Why is service important to you?

I am, at my core, before anything else, a service submissive. It is my unique and exquisite pleasure to be useful and of service. "What can I do to make your life easier,” is a core question. May I serve as a footstool, chair, coffee table, ashtray? Wash and iron your clothing, cook you dinner, clean your bathroom, run your errands? Polish your boots? Polish your knob? Polish your car? Scratch your back? Give a massage? Dance for you, or with you? Give you a bath? Shave your face or body? All of these and more are aspects I incorporate into my dynamics.

What type of service is your favorite to give?

Two of my favorites are to serve drinks and cigar service, the more formal the better! I LOVE LOVE LOVE ritual service, to take a mundane task and turn it into an art form.

Where or how do you see service in relation to the broader leather/kink/fetish community?

When I am not in service to an individual, I satisfy my need to serve by serving my community: volunteering, leading groups, teaching, mentoring, and supporting. This is my spirituality, this is what feeds my soul. The one caution I give is not to pour into people or communities that do not pour back. If you find yourself feeling resentful, it might mean you are giving more than receiving. Learning to set healthy boundaries was one of the most difficult but most fulfilling parts of my journey.


Cigar Service

Cigar Service Of the many ways to serve each other, there are some that feel decadent, bougie even. Some that allow both the served and the server to relax, wind down, and just be. Some call it mindfulness, awakening the senses and elevating the spirit. Are you interested in learning how to take...

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