Luckyfyre wearing dark rimmed glasses, a black laced necklace with a silver Gordian knot charm, and two nose piercings.  They wear a black leather vest over a black tank top.  The vest includes several patches including ones that say  "Founder," "Sergeant at Arms," and "Designated Asshole."


luckyFyre aka lucky identifies as an omnivorous genderfluid queer and hedonistic energy-sexual. They have been active in the BDSM and Leather community for nearly 12 years and it is the branded Slave (capital S on purpose) to Sir Prussian Fyre. They reign from Texas as one half of the 2022 Texas Power Exchange and 2023 International Title with their Daddy, Phoenix. Their passions are for community and service, above all, and can be found volunteering at events, or teaching accessible edge play and M/s topics to the community. When not teaching, playing with their three dogs, or discovering a new cigar, they enjoy reading on topics such as communication and Leather History, in addition to serving as Sergeant at Arms for Lions Lair Leather Club.


For the Sir-vice

For the Sir-vice: We have all heard the term topping from the bottom, and a bottom called a brat, but have we ever considered that sometimes the service is ethically negotiated and the Top is fully aware? In this class lucky will delve into the meaning of SIRvice, how it feeds dynamic, and is not ju...

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