a comic-style portrait of MsDDom, a Black woman with a reddish-brown afro, brown eyes, and silver hoop earrings


MsDDom is active in the Atlanta community and lives in a M/s dynamic with her slave, CreamDream. She is an MTTA Master Academy alumna who holds membership in MAsT chapters, leads Black FemDoms-Atlanta, co-leads Black Atlanta Munch, is a founding member and Road Captain of Women in Leather Atlanta, and is the current Editor-In-Chief for Black Leather In Color (NextGen) Magazine. Her service to the community varies, such as an advisor for the Leather Solidarity Collective, a servant for Evergreen Leather Events, and a Southeast advisor for Women of Drummer. Recipient of the Lady Lynette Leadership, MAsT Presenter of the Year, SELF Community Award, and SE Pantheon of Leather Award, MsDDom continues her labor of love to the community as a presenter, peer mentor, volunteer, and curator of the Black FemDoms-Atlanta podcast. MsDDom and her slave CreamDream are librarians for the Carter/Johnson Leather Library & Collection Atlanta Annex and frequently travel to visit friends and family across the U.S. and Canada.

Interview with MsDDom

Who might you be for anyone who’s unfamiliar?

I am MsDDom, from Denver and living in Atlanta. Identities that apply to me are Master, Leatherwoman, and FemDom. I do a lot of things because I like being busy; sometimes it is hard saying no. My service to the community is focused on the community overall through support and success. I actually like staying in the background...being the “cog in the wheel” is where I am most happy.

Where do you find joy in service?

I found the joy of serving as a kid; my mother would volunteer for many community service projects and take my sister and I along. It was fun giving of our time and being present to see the fruits of our volunteer "labor". Serving and being of service is just a part of who I am, in and outside of kink/BDSM/Leather.

What are some challenges you experience in receiving service?

Honestly, true alignment of will. There are those who believe they understand the directive, but an incorrect belief may get in the way of actually delivering a specific service need. There is a definite challenge in assumptions instead of getting clarity.

Why is service important to you?

I think about service in relationship to is important for me to share my time with people I care for; it is important for me to show love to those who love me; and it is important for me experience personal joy through service to people, groups, or a causes bigger than myself.

Do you have Service Self Care?

YES! While traveling is my ultimate getaway for self-care, when I cannot, it is literally just being at home, in bed, binge-watching documentaries...or my favorite repeats of Frasier. Generally, if I am serving at a conference, I take time away from the venue and experience something in the city. Decompressing in any way is a good thing.

Any final words of service wisdom?

Service makes the world go 'round; you give, you share, and then you'll smile.


Service Chat with MsDDom

Join MsDDom for a chat about service! This session is intended to be an open and informal space for service receivers, service providers, those curious, and those in between. Bring your questions, share your stories, and come prepared to learn with an experienced and passionate member of the servi...

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Panel Discussion: Leadership and Service to Our Communities

Join panel facilitator MalikaSG and our distinguished panelists for a discussion on leadership and service to our communities.

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