Consent & Emotional Support

Statement on behalf of SOC staff regarding a class incident - 10/19/2024

During a class at the Service Oriented Conference the presenter had used references to the works of “Harry Potter” as a simile to the kink community in her material.

We at Service Oriented Conference understand that appreciation or connection to a material does not negate the harmful effects its creator causes. We understand that J.K. Rowling’s anti-trans statements/actions and TERF rhetoric have actively harmed and injured our trans siblings, indirectly and directly.

Upon hearing what was happening in the class, a member of the SOC staff DM’d the presenter asking her to address that her content was inspired by the works of a problematic author. The presenter then addressed the class, expressing that while she was using the work in reference to her class material her values do not align with the author’s views toward the LGBTQIA+ community. She apologized for any offense she caused.

SOC does not support J.K. Rowling’s stances on the trans community, and are sincerely sorry that allowing such material in a class has harmed our Trans Community members and allies. We are committed to connecting with the presenter and anyone who may have been harmed by the content shared in this class. We hope these efforts help avoid further injury to our community.