Scribe as a Service: Mastering the Art of Organizing All the Things
Scribe as a Service: Mastering the Art of Organizing All the Things

Scribe as a Service: Mastering the Art of Organizing All the Things: Designed for servants seeking to offer scribe service and Leaders eager to optimize their dynamic with their scribe, this interactive class delves into the intricacies of secretarial service. Led by an experienced practitioner in service dynamics, this class offers a deep dive into crafting efficient tech stacks for managing calendars, correspondence, and household logistics. The class will also touch on how to navigate negotiating scribal relationships, emphasizing trust, boundaries, and contingency planning.

Time: 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
Zoom logo icon of a camera Look here on the day of the
event for links to attend.

Presented by:

ShadowMe stands on a lawn with a dirt path and trees visible in the background. She has shoulder length brown hair.  She's wearing a plum-colored dress with  pink flowers and a black leather collar closed with a heart shaped silver padlock. She's holding several dandelions gone to seed.  She looks off to the left of the frame with a slight smile.
ShadowMe (she/her)
Shadow is a slave in an M/s dynamic with her Mistress, Head of Household, and Wife, MzRhythm. For more than a decade, Shadow has wielded her organizational prowess for the betterment of the household, juggling important dates and communications within their dynamic. But it wasn't until 2019 that she...