A person sitting in the center of a dimly lit room in a red chair.


indigominx, who identifies as a slave, is known to her friends as minx. minx is a Jersey Peach, lover of music and history. She has been in the lifestyle for a little over 10 years. A member of the Black Atlanta Munch, she has attended various conferences, munches and classes (local and otherwise) absorbing knowledge along the way. minx is truly a lover of service in and outside of the community. Looking forward to the next steps in her journey minx is excited to serve the community by putting her service related experience and knowledge to use through teaching.


Why is service important to you?

Service is important to me for a plethora of reasons. I believe it is at the heart of how I live my life. It is one of the areas of my life where I find the most joy, and that joy is given to others. I believe that service pushes me to explore new things within myself, it allows me to become one with myself, and once I am in tune with myself and how I am best served I can pour that into others and other areas. Many people look at service as giving to others. I look at service first and foremost as giving to myself. I can not pour from an empty cup. So, serving myself well in self-care, education, skills and other areas allows me to be my best self when I step out in an effort to serve others.

Do you have any role models for service?

Whew, this is such a crazy question for me because I have a few. I don’t know if they are aware of how they’ve inspired me by being such great examples. In no particular order, here are a few of my role models. The first is slave Ailina. Her poise and grace are such a force when she serves it makes you stop and pay attention. Also, her skill level with which she serves her House is top-notch. She encourages, she uplifts, she teaches, and she reminds me that each slave’s service is unique to them. Next, we have slave raven edgar. Her ability to multitask should be recorded by the Guinness book of records. I have learned so much about how to manage calendars and improve upon my overall time management from her. I can list so many more, but for the sake of time I will stop at baby glaze. She is just truly amazing; however, her attention to detail is second to none, especially when it comes to cigar service. I want to be just like her when I grow up lol.

Do you have a specific service headspace?

This is just a great question, and one that I had not given much thought to prior to being asked. Yes, I do have a specific headspace. When I am about to enter into service I meditate and get my mind ready for the task at hand. Once I have centered my mind, I am completely in a different mindset. I tune out all background noise, and if needed, all others around me. I am solely focusing on the service itself, or the service and the person I am in service to. Once the service has ended, I allow myself a few moments to come out of that space. I do an inward evaluation of the service and I make sure to tell myself that I did a good job.

Do you ever feel insecure about my service?

Doesn’t everybody? LOL. Seriously, yes. There are times when I feel that my service is not up to standard. That standard when I first started out was the standard that was set in my mind by others I admired in the community. I would watch how they performed a certain type of service and if I could not do it exactly like that I felt that my service was not good enough, or that I was serving wrong. However, over time I have learned that service is dually unique. What I mean by that it is service is not one size fits all. It is unique in that the person providing the service is their own person and the service they provide will be done in their own unique way. Also, the person they are providing service to will have their own way in which they like that service to be provided. I still have times when I don’t think that I meet my own standards of service. In my moments of insecurity, I remember to give myself grace and know that I can always improve.


How your Ethics Effect Service

Everything in our life is directly or indirectly governed by a code of ethics. This class will explore the effect ethics have on Service. How we serve, why we serve, when we serve, whom we serve? Join me as we dive into the Ethic Effect of Service, all while understanding that many may serve, but no...

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