How your Ethics Effect Service
How your Ethics Effect Service

Everything in our life is directly or indirectly governed by a code of ethics. This class will explore the effect ethics have on Service. How we serve, why we serve, when we serve, whom we serve? Join me as we dive into the Ethic Effect of Service, all while understanding that many may serve, but not all service is ethical.

American Sign Language Interpretation is planned for this session American Sign Language Interpretation is planned for this session
Time: 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Zoom logo icon of a camera Look here on the day of the
event for links to attend.

Presented by:

A person sitting in the center of a dimly lit room in a red chair.
indigominx (she/her)
indigominx, who identifies as a slave, is known to her friends as minx. minx is a Jersey Peach, lover of music and history. She has been in the lifestyle for a little over 10 years. A member of the Black Atlanta Munch, she has attended various conferences, munches and classes (local and otherwise)...

With the assistance of:

empty picture frame
Spinfrog (They/Them)